
City: Albstadt-Ebingen

Country: Germany

State: Baden-Würtemberg


Opend 1957


Species 150

Fancy a swim? This small aquarium is in the basement of the public natatorium. Beside fish you also meet reptiles and arthropods

Last visit 2013

Grüngrabenstraße 20
D 72458 Albstadt-Ebingen

Phone nr 07431-4930

  • Monday-Saturday 2pm-5pm
  • Sunday 10am-12pm and 1-5pm

  • Adult 5,- Euro
  • Child 3,- Euro
Annual card
  • Adult 30 Euro
  • Child 15 Euro
  • Familly 50 Euro

On your way you will look at 40 tanks with animals like the piranha, electric eel, blinde cave tetra, angelfish and lionfish. Strange looking and acting is the axolotl. The terrariumsection was renovatet in 2006 and is home for stellagama among others. Kids will love the common marmoset.

DE: Unter der Schwimmhalle liegt dieses kleine Aquarium, in 40 behältern trifft man ua den Zitteraal. Aber auch Reptilien und Amphibien werden gezeigt. Kinder werden die Weißbüschelaffen lieben.

DK: Under svømmehallen ligger dette lille akvarie der i 40 akvarier bl.a. viser elektriske ål. Foruden fisk vises især også krybdyr og padder. Børn vil elske de hvidøret silkeaber
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